Harvest for Hope

Support People Facing Homelessness and Hardship at Harvest

Harvest is an important time for the Hope Centre. Last year we served over 30,000 meals to people in need. A large proportion of the food we need come from the local community during harvest time.

Harvest is a time when we think about the food we have on our tables and the money we have to afford basic essentials to lead healthy lives. It’s also a time to reflect on the lives of those without, for whom everyday is a struggle, just to survive, and to think about how we can share from our table to help others.

Watch our harvest appeal video.


Can your school or community group help us this harvest by donating money to our harvest campaign? Can you help us by collecting food and household goods so we can support people facing serious hardship?

Take the time to write a short ‘note of hope’ and tape it to your tin or packet or food, or write a note in the comments box as you make your donation! The messages of support brightens the day of those receiving the items and every gift helps someone struggling to eat or look after themselves.

Rough sleeping and the numbers of people we support have been rising steadily over the last year. We had just over 12,000 visits to our homeless centre last year and delivered over 40,000 food parcels. The support you give this harvest will help us continue the work we do throughout the coming winter months.

We can provide resources such as videos and fundraising toolkits to support your school at harvest. Working with the Hope Centre is a great way to teach children the impact collective giving can make in the local community to help those less fortunate. We are also happy to visit local schools to discuss the work we do.

To get involved in Harvest for Hope, please get in touch.

Support from the Church Community

Can your church help us during your harvest thanks this year? The Hope Centre started through the compassion of Michael Mulligan from the kitchen of the Bishops House. We have always had strong connections with the church community and every year local groups of many faiths support us with donations from fundraising and food.

We are able to supply a number of resources including videos, posters and flyers to explain the work we do and demonstrate the impact donations make. We have some great ideas about how you can support people struggling with homelessness and hardship this harvest.

Get in touch to support the Hope Centre during Harvest this year.